The Form 30(5)(a)

The Form 30(5)(a) comprises a statutory declaration to the effect that 'the company complies with the requirements of section 30(3) of the Companies Act 1985'. (In UKcorporator's view, the declaration should more correctly say that the company will, if registered on the basis of the documents (including the memorandum of association) accompanying the declaration, comply with the requirements of section 30(3)).

The Form 30(5)(a) may by signed by a solicitor or by a proposed director or company secretary of the company being formed (provided the proposed director or company secretary is a natural person as opposed to a company). A natural person is required to sign because the form comprises a statutory declaration. If a proposed director or company secretary happens to be a company rather than a natural person (which is quite permissible) the form may be signed by a duly authorised natural person on behalf of that last mentioned company.

The form is required to be witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths, a Notary Public, a Justice of the Peace or a solicitor. (This requirement will be drawn to your attention again in the documents produced for you by UKcorporator.)
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